Monday, June 25, 2012


28 skaters, 90 degrees, 17,000 square feet of concrete.  It's the 
This week is going to be intense.  Do you know what else is intense?

OK, here we go!

Eli wishes he was taller.

Beck, somewhere over the rainbow.

Jackson and DJ talk trigonometry.

Jackson spent every summer at
skate camp since we started.
Now he's wearing the staff shirt.
Welcome aboard duder!

Like a comando, Adam stalks the skatepark with his concrete camo
uniform and then attacks when the moment is right.

Don't need spandex to roll over coping.

Noah can be deadly serious.

Alex rolls in like champion.


Holden floats a nose grabber.

Couple of greasers.

And the award for
 loudest sneakers goes to....
Sir Charles apparently
lives to surf.

We really need to start doing
background checks on our

Nate working on rolling in.
It's even scarier than it looks.

Henry demonstrates the classic
trophy pose. 

Griffin carves up a slice of concrete with his fresh new Knock on Wood deck.

Samuel visualizing his line.

"You like water?  Me too!  High five!"

Trenton learned to roll in today.  I can tell
this guy is going to progress quickly.

Sam believes in aliens...and so do I.  We actually
have a couple in camp this week.  

DJ blasted this ollie right out of the top of the picture.
Check out that front foot steeze!

It's impossible to take a bad picture of Noah.

Here's one way to beat the heat.

Here's another.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Walker prefers his shirt backwards I guess.

Raffle time!

Sidney modified her camp shirt.

Rob checks a winning ticket.

It's like a skateboarder exhibit at the zoo.

And the winner is...


Step right up and claim your prize.


Umm, your shirt's still on backwards.



And more prizes.


Griffin wins the deck!!  Thanks to our friends at
Knock on Wood out of Knoxville TN for hookin'
it up!

Sticker Toss!!

Pizza with a fork..  Baeddan chipped his tooth earlier in the week but
it didn't slow him down...well maybe a little when it came to
eating pizza.  He's a tough dude.

Pizza party??  I guess Sidney just misses her dog back in Florida....

Wait a minute!  It's Bindy!

Bindy came up from Florida to surprise Sidney on her last day of camp.
Another Skate Camp Miracle!!