Friday, July 27, 2012

Week 6

Well, this is it.  Pizzas, popsicles, watermelons and oh yeah...SKATEBOARDING!  We had a lot of fun this summer and now it's time for us to release a whole new batch of shredders out into the world.  Keep fighting the good fight!  Thanks to all the skaters, parents, staff and sponsors.  Special thanks to Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company for helping us out with the T-shirts.  

Release the hounds!

Let me see those tickets!

Have fun at Woodward dude!

Swag for Zander.

Kennedy walks away with a brand new Push deck.  Congrats young lady!

The watermelon bandit.
Kevin and Christian make rain!

At the end of every summer we raffle off a
complete skateboard.
Nevin proved to be the luckiest camper
of the summer.  Enjoy!

You can be my wing man any day Maverick.

Eric skips a little celebratory ollie down the step
for the troops.

See ya next summer!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Week SIX

It's getting hot up in here!

Tyler learned how to drop in.

So did Nevin.

Dudes just dudin' out.

Nate's rolling in these days.

And so is this dude...

and this dude...

and this dude...wait, that's Nate again.

Kaelan out for a cruise.

Kinzley gettin' some.


Leif is bound for glory.

Here's some glory now!


"Whoa!  Did you see that?"
"Nope.  I got 2 popsicles to deal with."

Guess what color Hyde's popsicle was.

"Bele Chere is starting??
I'm outta here!"

snack time

Push Skate Camp goes GREEN.

The green shoe crew.

Lots of guys learned how to
drop the 8 this week.

Watermelon Thursday?  That's right!
Push Skate Camp is full of

Deja Vu...

This picture was taken last summer. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Week SIX

Day one of week six.  It's on like Donkey Kong!

Thrashville?  Never heard of it.

Adam gleams the camera on this rock to fakie.

Sebastian sizes up the big roller and prepare for his first attempt...

Success!  Made it first try.

What does a stack of skateboards, a giant watermelon and a human
all have in common?

Trent drops in under a menacing sky.